Dox Home Lending and Insurance


Get Your Dream Home With The Best Rates & Service.

A Personal Touch
This is one of the most personal decisions you’ll make. You’ll work with a team that takes it personally too.
A Smooth Process

With all the loan information you need at your fingertips, you’ll be confident in the process.

Get Your Dream Home
Buying your dream home should not be overwhelming. The process will be smooth and timely.
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We're Here To Serve You,
Get In Touch.

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Clear Pathway To Your New Loan

home loan discovery call

Book Your Discovery Call

During this discovery call, we’ll consider all your options and tailor your home loan to your vision and goals.

loan process - home loan

Smooth Loan Process

We will guide your loan through the loan process to ensure a smooth and on-time closing.
home insurance texas

Enjoy Your New Home

We hope you love your new home and the memories you will make there.

About Preston & Dox Lending

We know that getting a mortgage can present unique challenges, and there is not a one-size-fix-all solution. You want to overcome those challenges, but you find yourself sifting through hundreds of websites and documents trying to find the best rates. This can make you feel unsettled, and the excitement of buying a new home begins to wane.

We believe the home loan process should be smooth and should not be done alone. That’s why we’ve spent over 5 years serving our community and making this process simple and enjoyable.